Sunday, September 25, 2011


 Preparing for concrete slab...

 After mixing by hand 13 90lb bags and 1 60lb bag the slab is set...

 Frame going up...

 Back on cont. with framing...

 Door and walls are going up...

 Roof and walls up...

 Tar paper on roof...

 Drip metal trim around edges...

 Roof tiles goes on ...

Roof finished...Door knobs/locks on and Storage trim going up...

Sometimes when hiking is not in the cards a project would allow itself to be seen as a piece of Art...Hence this li'l  8'x8'x4' Storage project...detail will be the important factor in the project..."Tru My Lens" will attempt to give you a sense of being there from a distance...Mostly a one person job but i had helpers here and there...A Family thing...Enjoy...Finish project will be seen later...Yeah! Detail!

Monday, August 22, 2011

What's one's Art is...

When we see Art...Which could be anything...Why would it be considered Art?... Look around... What would you not considered Art?... It's a fickle dilemma... You make the ultimate decision on what you consider is Art..."Tru My Lens" is here to show you some things I consider could be a form of Art... I consider your opinion fruitful... Enjoy

All photos ©2011 Anselmo S. Ortiz

Monday, July 4, 2011

Colors I see...


 I like shoes







Colors don't come easy to me...Identifying all the shades, hues blah blah blah...But "Tru My Lens" Helps me play with colors so I can share the colors that I see with you...

All photos ©2011 Anselmo S. Ortiz

Monday, June 6, 2011

Little things

The li'l things in life can give you such a huge variety of colors, shapes or depth... "Tru My Lens" is here to guide, wait no... Show you how to view these little gems...Enjoy

All photos ©2011 Anselmo S. Ortiz

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A li'l bit


 Iron hinges...


Old keyhole...

Nice knockers...


What do they have in common?..........3.....2.....1......No not that....You have to stop and look...See the items then give them a once over..."Tru My Lens" would like you to enjoy these li'l bit of...Well, you know...Enjoy

All photos ©2011 Anselmo S. Ortiz

Friday, April 22, 2011

















So let's LIVE!

While I was celebrating my Birthday with a hike I still saw those hikers that just blow right by beauty existing on the outskirts of a trail or river... Hiking to me is like when your going to get a kiss from one you've been wanted too for such a long time that you build up all your senses to savor your experience so you can recall it over and over again...Your senses were so keen that you notice every little detail that the enjoyment is so gratifying that your memory is on autosave..."Tru My Lens" captured these images so you could enjoy the feeling of LOVE through hidden beauty...

All photos ©2011 Anselmo S. Ortiz